
Young Writers Society

this one's about sex

by lin night

Joy was in love with him. Blake, with his fair blonde hair and broad shoulders. Blake, the smart sensitive boy who read Kerouac and listened to The Flaming Lips. Yes, this was the one. This was the one she would give her heart to, for better or for worse. She didn’t care. In her eyes, he could do no wrong.

He’d gone out with a girl before. Her name was Rebecca and she was a fat cow who perspired under the arms and rambled about things no one cared about. Their relationship didn’t last long – three months later, Rebecca came to school with black purple marks on her wrist and tears streaming from swollen eyes. Joy remembered laughing with her friends at how pathetic the bitch looked without an attractive boyfriend to parade around. Then again, she had always looked pathetic; fat girls have no choice.

Joy became attracted to Blake early freshman year. He was drinking from the water fountain when Joy clumsily bumped his side. Liquid pouring down his chin, Blake gave her a dirty look and turned away with a huff. Bright sunlight filtered through the window and cast an evanescent glow on his masculine frame, which he rotated so every muscular ripple pressed against the fabric of his Hollister T-shirt and revealed the man within the teenager. One further glimpse of his perfectly formed eyelashes might have caused Joy to collapse in ecstasy. She felt no shame later that night when she laid on her pink-ruffled, four-poster “princess” bed and masturbated quickly, aggressively, once, twice, three times until she fell asleep exhausted.

Three years later, they were together and enjoying a companionable relationship. They held hands, kissed in public, and went over to each other’s houses frequently to do homework. Yet after three weeks of dating, they had not engaged in explicit sexual activity – most couples in the school graduated at least to handjobs by this time. Neither of them seemed willing to initiate this important next step, content merely to press their moist lips against each other (a slither of tongue if deserved) and diligently study their Calculus textbooks. Of course, it was awkward and perhaps a little embarrassing to both parties when Joy would reach across Blake’s crotch to get a pencil and discover he had an erection.

The truth of the matter was Joy had little experience when it came to sex and unlike other guys, Blake didn’t pressure her. Though the only other guy she had dated was a pre-pubescent nerd named Larry who weighed 180 pounds and watched excessive amounts of Internet porn. They never even kissed. She felt terribly insecure about her body. She had never been naked in front of anybody besides her mother. Clearly Blake was attracted to her even without seeing her naked – otherwise, they wouldn’t have lasted this long. But her thoughts were tortured day in and day out by the fact that he might be disgusted by her small breasts and pale skin and lose all feeling for her, sexual or otherwise.

Then again, he had dated Rebecca.

One afternoon in the thick of a winter snowstorm, the couple found themselves basking in the warm homey comfort of Joy’s room.

“God, I love Lou Reed. His voice is so soothing,” Blake said. He yawned and stretched his arms as the orchestral melody of “Venus in Furs” blared in the background. Joy had never understood the song but Blake insisted it was among the best ever written.

“God, I hate Mrs. Carol. Her homework assignments are so hard.”

“You’re so beautiful,” Blake replied.

This sudden declaration of affection made Joy uncomfortable. “Stop,” she smiled nervously.

“Sometimes I just want to kiss you… all over.”

“You do kiss me.”

“You know what I mean.”

Blake leaned over and placed a stubby hand between Joy’s legs. She recoiled at the sudden invasion of her private space. “No, actually I don’t. What are you doing?

He looked at her as if she was from a different planet, narrowing his eyes so only slits showed. “What’s wrong, Joy? Don’t you want to?”

“Want to what?”

“Do it.”

“There’s no time. We have to study. Mrs. Carol said this was going to the hardest test of the semester.” Joy pointed futilely at the books, calculators, and pencils sprawled around them.

“Come on, we have the whole night to do that. Let’s take a break.”

“Blake, I don’t want to.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t feel like it right now.”

“Well, when do you feel like it? We’ve been going out for three weeks.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I just thought that by now you’d be at least a little interested in me.”

Joy could a feel a slight draft coming from her window. She contemplated shutting it but decided getting up would be too awkward. She just wanted to sit there with her legs crossed, turning redder and redder, hoping Blake didn’t notice how uncomfortable she was.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you don’t feel like studying, maybe you should just leave.”

“It’s fucking four o’clock,” Blake snapped. “I’m leaving.”

He gathered his books and stormed out of the room. He’d never been this angry before, at least towards her. In their three weeks of dating, he’d never been anything less than kind and considerate. Be strong, Joy thought, you did the right thing. She wasn’t ready and he should understand that, even if it took three months. Everybody goes their own pace. You did the right thing. She put her head in her hands and began to cry.

Shortly after the incident, Blake stopped calling. He seemed to be doing everything he could to ignore her. When Joy tried to confront him in Calculus class, he simply turned the other direction. Her friends gossiped behind her back: “I hear they never even made out.” “How could she be such a bitch?” “I feel so sorry for Blake.” It was enough to make her sick. Her parents kept telling her it was going to be okay. But she knew it wasn’t.

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Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:24 pm
irnbru666 wrote a review...

"Then again, he had dated Rebecca."

I like how this sentence is brought out on its own, it makes it look like a bold statement, which it is. Joy compares herself to Rebecca - the girl of whom she had heavily criticized at the beginning of this story.

Since this story is about sex, I agree with Claudette that it would be good to bring out more guilt from the masturbation part, or even to elaborate on it, as I do think it's cut incredibly short. I think it would be good to inject more of her thought and feelings into that part.

I do think you were effective in portraying some of the prejudices of girls of Joy's age group, for example,

"fat girls have no choice"

I think that self image is a theme in this story, as later on in the story we see Joy's own insecurities,

"he might be disgusted by her small breasts and pale skin and lose all feeling for her, sexual or otherwise. "

Overall I liked this piece and think you were effective in showing some of the pressures teenagers experience.

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Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:29 am
lin night says...

Sureal wrote:You don't have to take my advice if you don't want too: everything I said is my opinion, and this is your story. I - as a reader - found the character's to act unrealistically, and my crit was merely an attempt to tell you why I felt that way. If you disagree that's fine.

and my response was merely an attempt to explain myself, as i feel every author on this site has a right to. don't be mistaken into thinking i don't consider and appreciate every criticism, even if they are negative.

once again, blake contradicts expectations but the character is how i intended him to be. contradictions of character are inherent in everyday life. what you think does not necessarily correspond with how you act. i realize, of course, that this piece was not successful in communicating this. next time, perhaps.

and i would love to hear your argument about the morality of teenagers. :)

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:33 pm
Emerson wrote a review...

I have to agree with Sureal on your characters... I can quote from your story what makes them contradicting.

The truth of the matter was Joy had little experience when it came to sex and unlike other guys, Blake didn’t pressure her.
Alright, from what I know about guys, If they don't pressure you about sex they aren't going to break up with you over it either. That just makes no sense.

And for the girl, yeah, she started out seeming like the kind who would go all out, and then fizzled and got shy. I understand her, but you don't show it well enough. You have to make it out that she wants to have sex, but is too scared, bring out more of her guilt from masturbating.

And, I haven't checked, but IS this R rated? Because it should be.

I would love to argue the morality of this piece and talk about how full of sh!t it is in my opinion, but I won't :-D now! I did not just say it is a bad story! By no means is it bad. Your very up front speaking of sex was some what intimidating but humorous. What I disagree with is teens trying to have sex after three weeks, but only I seem to be the one who finds this wrong. I know many teens who's only goal is sex, so my arguing with it will really do nothing other than...argue.

So as I said, I won't drown you in my opinion on the morality of teenagers. Though I am so tempted to...

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:16 pm
Sureal says...

You don't have to take my advice if you don't want too: everything I said is my opinion, and this is your story. I - as a reader - found the character's to act unrealistically, and my crit was merely an attempt to tell you why I felt that way. If you disagree that's fine.

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:08 pm
lin night says...

let's debate this, in good sport:

i think it's unfair to impose your standards of how a person should behave on the story. could it not be possible for joy to be sexually confused? there is no attempt made to rationalize or justify blake's actions because in reality, such things cannot always be tidily explained. everything is described in relation to joy's feelings, which do not necessarily reflect the feelings of the people around her.

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:50 pm
Sureal wrote a review...

Okay, although this is well enough written, none of your characters behave realistically.

Let’s look at each character in turn:


- An innocent girl, who appears to be madly in love with Blake (‘This was the one she would give her heart to, for better or for worse.’). She also seems to be rather sexually curious (‘masturbated quickly, aggressively, once, twice, three times’).

However, both of these quotes are refuted when she rejects Blake’s advances. She doesn’t appear to want to engage in sexual activates with him (‘She recoiled at the sudden invasion of her private space.’), despite having - three years ago, no less - masturbated furiously over him (multiple times).

If you had played up the whole feeling nervous and/or insecure thing, then her character would work a lot better.


- I simply understand get him. He gets angry at (and dumps) his girlfriend when she refuses his advances. This is simply out of character for your description of him.

Someone who would have acted like he did in the story (with the getting angry and everything) would act more openly sexual the rest of the time, or else would be probably be acting under some other influence (such as his friends constantly urging him to have sex with Joy, putting pressure on him).

Joy’s Classmates:

- In real life, I’ve seen a similar occurrence happen, when a boy’s girlfriend refused to do anything with him. She wasn’t rejected by everyone like in your story - and she certainly wasn’t called a ‘bitch’ - although there were a few light-hearted jokes at the boy’s expense.

The classmates certainly wouldn’t feel sorry for Blake. Indeed, as Joy’s sadness is so evident, most of the students would probably feel anger towards Blake.

However, Blake’s close-knit of friends would probably act less friendly towards her. They wouldn’t be openly hostile, but I could certainly imagine them calling her ‘frigid’ and make som rather nasty jokes about her.

Hope this helps you at all.

Keep on writing 8).

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:25 pm
misspriss wrote a review...

Ok, gross. Sorry but this should DEFINTILY be rated R! It said that if it's about sex (which it is) then it should be rated R in the rules. But hey, at least you came right out and said it was about sex instead of giving your readers a "little suprise".

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Sun Dec 31, 2006 6:19 pm
Swires wrote a review...

FORMATTING FORMATTING FORMATTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paragraph your work - You will get more reviews. I refuse to give feedback to un-paragraphed work.

I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom